Clients / Private Investor Investigations

Private Investor Due Diligence


Our capabilities

Family Law Investigators: Why JSG?

Family law cases require a delicate balance of empathy, expertise, and precision. Justice Solutions Group stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of family law investigations, offering unparalleled support and strategic guidance to clients navigating complex legal challenges. Here's why JSG is the trusted choice for family law matters:

  • Compassionate Approach: We understand that family law cases often involve deeply personal and emotionally charged issues. Our team approaches each case with empathy, sensitivity, and respect, ensuring that our clients feel supported every step of the way.

  • Expertise in Family Law Matters: With years of experience in family law investigations, JSG possesses the expertise necessary to navigate the intricacies of family law cases. From divorce and child custody disputes to domestic violence allegations, we have the knowledge and skills to handle even the most complex situations with confidence and professionalism.

  • Thorough Investigative Techniques: Family law cases often require thorough investigation and evidence gathering to support our clients' positions. JSG utilizes advanced investigative techniques and technology to uncover crucial evidence, ensuring that our clients' rights and interests are protected throughout the legal process.

  • Strategic Guidance and Support: Our team provides strategic guidance and support to clients, helping them navigate the complexities of family law matters with confidence. From advising on legal strategies to advocating for our clients' rights in court, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for every case.

  • Client-Centric Focus: At JSG, our clients always come first. We prioritize open communication, transparency, and collaboration, ensuring that our clients are active participants in their legal representation. With JSG by their side, clients can trust that their family law matters are in capable hands.


Key Services for Family Law Attorneys

Divorce and Separation Investigations

When navigating divorce or separation proceedings, obtaining accurate and comprehensive information is crucial for making informed decisions. Our team conducts thorough investigations to uncover evidence related to asset division, spousal support, child custody, and visitation rights.

From tracing assets and assessing financial contributions to evaluating claims of infidelity or misconduct, we provide the insights necessary to protect our clients' interests and achieve equitable resolutions.

Child Custody Investigations

Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and complex, requiring careful consideration of the child's best interests. JSG assists clients in navigating these challenges by conducting detailed investigations to assess parental fitness, stability, and involvement in the child's life.

Through interviews, background checks, and home visits, we gather evidence to support our clients' custody claims and ensure that custody arrangements promote the well-being and safety of the child.


Asset Searches

Financial transparency is essential in family law matters, particularly when it comes to property division, alimony, and child support obligations. JSG conducts thorough asset searches to uncover hidden assets, undisclosed income, and financial discrepancies that may impact the outcome of divorce settlements or support agreements.

Our comprehensive investigations provide clarity and transparency, empowering our clients to make informed decisions about their financial future.

Witness Location and Interviews

In cases involving alimony or spousal support, allegations of cohabitation with a new partner can have significant implications for support obligations. JSG conducts discreet investigations to determine if a former spouse receiving alimony is cohabitating with a new partner. T

hrough surveillance, background checks, and evidence collection, we uncover the facts necessary to address concerns about cohabitation and ensure that support obligations are fair and equitable.

I have used JSG as a confidential source of information and surveillance on several of my cases. My Client’s feel good knowing they have a competent and experienced investigator to handle nuances of their case, and we’ve delivered better-than-expected results with them (JSG) as a factor.

I highly recommend them as part of your legal strategy.
 - Confidential Attorney Client

Our capabilities

Experienced Investigators Your Clients Can Rely On

Why Choose JSG as your Family Law Investigations Team

Choosing the right team for family law investigations is essential for achieving favorable outcomes and protecting clients' interests. At Justice Solutions Group, we offer a combination of experience, expertise, and dedication that sets us apart as the premier choice for family law matters. Here's why clients can rely on JSG:

  • Extensive Experience: With years of experience in family law investigations, JSG's team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every case. We have successfully navigated a wide range of family law matters, from divorce and child custody disputes to asset division and alimony claims.

  • Comprehensive Services: JSG provides a comprehensive range of investigative services tailored to address the unique challenges of family law matters. From asset searches and child custody investigations to cohabitation inquiries and divorce proceedings, we offer the insights and support necessary to achieve favorable outcomes for our clients.

  • Client-Centric Approach: At JSG, our clients always come first. We prioritize open communication, transparency, and collaboration, ensuring that our clients are actively involved in their legal representation every step of the way. We understand the sensitive nature of family law matters and provide compassionate support to guide our clients through the process with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Strategic Guidance and Support: Our team provides strategic guidance and support to clients, helping them navigate the complexities of family law matters with confidence. From advising on legal strategies to advocating for our clients' rights in court, we are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for every case.

  • Commitment to Excellence: At JSG, we are committed to excellence in everything we do. We approach each case with integrity, professionalism, and a relentless dedication to achieving justice for our clients. With JSG on their side, clients can trust that their family law matters will be handled with the highest level of expertise and care.

When clients choose JSG as their family law investigations team, they can have confidence knowing that their case is in the hands of experienced investigators they can rely on. With our proven track record of success, client-centric approach, and unwavering commitment to excellence, JSG is the trusted partner clients need to navigate their family law matters with confidence and peace of mind.


Family Law Success Stories with Justice Solutions Group

Child Custody Dispute Resolution: How JSG Secured Custody for a Parent

The Challenge: Our client was embroiled in a contentious child custody dispute, facing challenges in securing custody rights amid allegations and conflicting claims regarding parental fitness and involvement.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a comprehensive investigation to assess our client's suitability as the custodial parent and gather evidence to support their custody claims.

The Outcome: Through meticulous evidence gathering, including interviews, background checks, and home visits, JSG successfully demonstrated our client's strong parental fitness and involvement in the child's life. Armed with compelling evidence, we advocated for our client's custody rights in court, ultimately securing a favorable custody arrangement that prioritized the child's best interests and ensured our client's meaningful involvement in their upbringing.


Cohabitation Inquiry: How JSG Ensured Fair Alimony Arrangements

The Challenge: Our client, who was obligated to pay alimony, raised concerns about the recipient's cohabitation with a new partner, suspecting that it may impact the ongoing alimony obligations.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a discreet inquiry to gather evidence of cohabitation and assess its potential impact on the existing alimony arrangements.

The Outcome: Through discreet surveillance and evidence collection, JSG gathered compelling evidence demonstrating the cohabitation of the alimony recipient with a new partner. Armed with this evidence, we advocated for adjustments to the alimony arrangements to reflect the changed circumstances, ensuring fairness and equity in the support obligations and protecting our client's financial interests.

Alimony Investigation Success: Uncovering Hidden Assets for Equitable Support

The Challenge: In a complex family law case involving alimony, our client faced challenges in obtaining equitable support arrangements due to suspicions of hidden assets and undisclosed income by the opposing party.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a thorough investigation to uncover hidden assets, undisclosed income, and financial discrepancies to ensure fair and equitable support arrangements for our client.

The Outcome: Through comprehensive asset searches, financial analysis, and forensic accounting, JSG uncovered crucial evidence of hidden assets and undisclosed income, shedding light on the true financial circumstances of the parties involved. Armed with this evidence, we advocated for equitable support arrangements that accurately reflected our client's financial needs and the parties' true financial situation, ensuring fair and just outcomes in the alimony proceedings.


Asset Tracing Triumph: Achieving Equity in Property Division

The Challenge: In a complex property division case, our client faced challenges in accurately valuing and equitably dividing the marital assets due to suspicions of hidden assets and undisclosed financial interests by the opposing party.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a thorough investigation to trace and evaluate the marital assets, including real estate, investments, and business interests, to ensure fair and equitable property division.

The Outcome: Through meticulous asset tracing, financial analysis, and forensic accounting, JSG uncovered hidden assets and accurately valued the marital estate, enabling fair and equitable property division. Armed with this evidence, we advocated for our client's interests in negotiations and court proceedings, ultimately securing a favorable outcome that protected our client's financial interests and ensured a fair distribution of marital assets.


Parental Fitness Assessment: JSG's Role in Upholding Child's Best Interests

The Challenge: Our client was involved in a contentious child custody dispute, facing allegations questioning their parental fitness and suitability as a custodial parent.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a comprehensive parental fitness assessment to assess our client's suitability for custody and gather evidence to refute the allegations of parental unfitness.

The Outcome: Through thorough investigation, including interviews, background checks, and psychological assessments, JSG worked with the attorney representing our client and gathered compelling evidence demonstrating our client's strong parental fitness and involvement in the child's life.

Armed with this evidence, we successfully refuted the allegations of parental unfitness and advocated for our client's custody rights, ultimately helping to secure a custody arrangement that prioritized the child's best interests and ensured our client's meaningful involvement in their upbringing.

Infidelity Investigation: Providing Clarity and Closure in Divorce Proceedings

The Challenge: In a divorce proceeding marked by allegations of infidelity, our client sought clarity and closure regarding their spouse's conduct and its impact on the divorce proceedings.

The Request: JSG was tasked with conducting a discreet investigation to gather evidence of infidelity and provide clarity on the circumstances surrounding the alleged misconduct.

The Outcome: Through discreet surveillance, evidence collection, and expert analysis, JSG gathered compelling evidence substantiating our client's claims of infidelity. Armed with this evidence, we provided clarity and closure to our client, enabling them to proceed with the divorce process with confidence and certainty about their future. Additionally, we advocated for our client's interests in negotiations and court proceedings, ensuring that their concerns were addressed and their rights protected throughout the divorce proceedings.


"These examples exemplify the intricate and comprehensive methodology employed by Justice Solutions Group in family law investigations, affirming our steadfast commitment to uncovering truth and protecting our clients' rights through meticulous scrutiny and evidence gathering."



Order asset searches, social media checks, and more, all from one place.

OnTrial has all of our most requested intelligence in one convenient place with clear pricing so clients can order with confidence and save time.


Investigations At Your Fingertips

OnTrial eliminates the headaches for modern legal teams and provides a single point solution for ordering social media searches, surveillance, and more.

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There are no monthly fees for OnTrial, you only pay for what you order. Book a consult with an investigator and get real-time quotes and invoicing, all in one place.


Our capabilities

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Family Law Investigators

Navigating family law matters can be complex and emotionally challenging. At Justice Solutions Group, we understand the importance of having experienced investigators by your side to guide you through these difficult times. Here are some compelling reasons to choose us for your family law investigations:

  • Expertise in Family Law Matters: Our investigators possess extensive knowledge and experience in navigating the complexities of family law cases, ensuring that our clients receive expert guidance and support tailored to their specific needs.

  • Comprehensive Investigations: We conduct thorough and comprehensive investigations, utilizing advanced techniques and resources to gather crucial evidence that can strengthen our clients' cases and protect their interests.

  • Strategic Guidance and Advocacy: Our team provides strategic guidance and advocacy throughout the legal process, helping clients make informed decisions and advocating for their rights and interests in negotiations and court proceedings.

  • Discreet and Confidential Service: We prioritize discretion and confidentiality in all our investigations, ensuring that sensitive information remains private and protected throughout the legal process.

  • Client-Centric Approach: At Justice Solutions Group, our clients always come first. We are committed to providing personalized attention, clear communication, and compassionate support to guide our clients through their family law matters with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Proven Track Record of Success: With a proven track record of success in resolving family law cases, our investigators have earned a reputation for delivering results and achieving favorable outcomes for our clients.

  • Access to Cutting-Edge Technology: We leverage cutting-edge technology and resources to enhance our investigative capabilities, enabling us to uncover critical evidence and provide our clients with a competitive advantage in their legal proceedings.

When you choose Justice Solutions Group for your family law investigations, you can have peace of mind knowing that your case is in the hands of experienced professionals who are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your family law matter.


Family Law Investigation Work Is All About Heart

At Justice Solutions Group, we approach family law investigations with empathy and dedication. We understand the emotional complexities involved and provide unwavering support to guide clients through every step of the process. With our expertise and proven track record, we ensure that clients' rights are protected and their interests advocated for. Choosing Justice Solutions Group means gaining a trusted ally who will stand by your side, providing the support and guidance needed to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family."

"Our compassionate approach sets us apart as the best choice for family law investigations. With years of experience, our team has the knowledge, skills, and resources to handle even the most complex cases effectively. We go above and beyond to ensure that clients feel supported and empowered throughout their legal journey. When you choose Justice Solutions Group, you're choosing a partner who will prioritize your needs and work tirelessly to achieve the results you deserve.



A strong family law case starts with a great conversation.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk through your case. Our investigators have years of experience and are ready to assist.