Services / Crypto Recovery & Investigations

Crypto Recovery & Investigations


Our capabilities

Crypto Recovery, Fraud Investigations, Blockchain Development Consulting and More

At Justice Solutions Group, we recognize the unique challenges and risks that come with the territory of cryptocurrency investments. In collaboration with our partners at SpookyGood, we offer specialized crypto recovery services tailored to address and mitigate these challenges effectively. Our combined expertise in cyber investigations and blockchain technology enables us to provide a comprehensive approach to recovering lost or stolen digital assets.

Key Features of Our Service:

  • Advanced Forensic Techniques: Utilizing cutting-edge forensic tools to trace and recover cryptocurrencies, ensuring thorough investigation and maximized recovery potential.

  • Partnership with SpookyGood: Our close collaboration enhances our capabilities, bringing together a wealth of knowledge and resources to tackle even the most complex recovery cases.

  • Customized Recovery Strategies: Tailoring our approach to each unique case, we devise strategic plans aimed at the successful recovery of your digital assets.

  • Legal and Regulatory Expertise: Navigating the complexities of the legal landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies, providing informed guidance every step of the way.

  • Confidential and Secure: Maintaining the utmost confidentiality and security throughout the recovery process, protecting our clients' interests and information.

Our crypto recovery services, bolstered by our partnership with SpookyGood, stand as a testament to our commitment to safeguarding your digital investments. With JSG, you gain access to unparalleled expertise and support, ensuring peace of mind in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.


Cryptocurrency Fraud Investigations: Unraveling Digital Deceit

In the fast-paced and often opaque world of cryptocurrency, fraud presents a significant challenge, manifesting in everything from intricate phishing schemes to elaborate investment scams. At Justice Solutions Group, we excel in cryptocurrency fraud investigations, utilizing our deep knowledge and investigative prowess to expose digital deceit. Our seasoned team employs a blend of traditional investigative techniques and advanced blockchain analysis to meticulously dissect fraudulent activities, track down perpetrators, and uncover the mechanisms behind the fraud.

Our Approach Includes:

  • In-Depth Fraud Analysis: Each case undergoes thorough examination, where we dissect the fraud's intricacies and employ blockchain forensics to trace the origins and methods of the perpetrators.

  • Asset Tracing and Recovery: With the use of cutting-edge technology, we trace the stolen assets across the blockchain, aiming to recover and return them to their rightful owners.

  • Legal and Regulatory Guidance: Understanding the legalities surrounding cryptocurrency fraud is crucial. We offer expert advice to navigate the recovery process within the bounds of the law.

  • Preventive Consultation: Beyond the immediate investigation, we equip our clients with strategies to safeguard their digital holdings against future threats.

Justice Solutions Group is dedicated to providing clarity and resolution in the complex realm of cryptocurrency fraud investigations, guiding our clients through the maze of digital deceit to recover their assets and fortify their defenses against future vulnerabilities.

Advanced Blockchain Analysis: Tracing Transactions and Assets

Navigating the complexities of the blockchain requires a nuanced understanding and sophisticated tools, especially when it comes to tracing transactions and recovering assets. At Justice Solutions Group, our advanced blockchain analysis services are at the forefront of forensic technology, enabling us to delve deep into the digital ledger to follow the trail of assets and transactions.

Key Components of Our Service:

  • Transaction Tracing: Leveraging blockchain explorers and proprietary software, we meticulously trace the flow of assets, identifying the path taken by cryptocurrencies through multiple wallets and exchanges.

  • Asset Recovery: Our analysis aims not just to trace but to recover. By understanding the blockchain's intricacies, we work to reclaim lost or stolen assets, navigating both the technical and legal complexities of recovery.

  • Deciphering Complex Schemes: Cryptocurrency fraud often involves sophisticated schemes designed to obscure the flow of assets. Our team specializes in untangling these schemes, revealing the true movement of stolen funds.

  • Providing Actionable Insights: The outcome of our blockchain analysis is more than just data; it’s actionable intelligence that can inform legal strategies, support claims for asset recovery, and guide future security measures.

Justice Solutions Group empowers clients with the insights and capabilities to trace and recover assets effectively in the blockchain space. Our advanced blockchain analysis services provide a critical advantage in securing digital assets, offering a beacon of hope for those affected by cryptocurrency fraud and theft.


Digital Asset Recovery

In the digital age, assets are increasingly held in virtual spaces, making their recovery a complex challenge when they're misplaced or maliciously taken. Justice Solutions Group specializes in digital asset recovery, blending technical expertise with strategic approaches to reclaim cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital valuables for our clients.

Our Approach to Recovery:

  • Forensic Analysis: We begin with a forensic investigation into the loss or theft, employing blockchain analytics to trace the digital footprints left by assets as they move across networks.

  • Legal Coordination: Understanding that recovery often involves navigating legal channels, we coordinate closely with legal professionals, providing the evidence and insights needed to support legal actions aimed at asset recovery.

  • Negotiation and Liaison: Where possible, we engage in negotiations, acting as a liaison between our clients and third parties, including exchanges and digital wallets, to facilitate the recovery of assets.

  • Security Consultation: Post-recovery, we offer consultations on digital asset security, advising on best practices and tools to protect assets against future risks.

Justice Solutions Group's digital asset recovery services are designed to offer hope and solutions to individuals and organizations facing the loss of digital assets. Through meticulous investigation, legal knowledge, and strategic recovery efforts, we strive to restore what our clients have lost and ensure their digital holdings are secure for the future.

Expert Witness Services Regarding Blockchain Technology

Expert Witness Services Regarding Blockchain Technology

As blockchain technology continues to revolutionize industries, its complexities often become focal points in legal disputes and regulatory inquiries. Justice Solutions Group provides expert witness services regarding blockchain technology, offering authoritative insights and testimony to clarify technical details and support legal strategies.

Our Expert Witness Services Include:

  • Technical Analysis and Testimony: We deliver comprehensive analyses of blockchain technologies, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency transactions, translating complex technical realities into understandable insights for legal proceedings.

  • Case Preparation Support: Our experts assist legal teams in preparing their cases, providing deep dives into the blockchain aspects relevant to the dispute, including potential vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and the technological underpinnings of digital assets.

  • Regulatory Insight: With blockchain regulation still evolving, we offer up-to-date knowledge on legal standards and regulatory expectations, aiding in cases where compliance is questioned.

  • Educational Briefings for Legal Teams: Recognizing the need for a foundational understanding of blockchain technology in legal contexts, we provide briefings and educational sessions for legal professionals to enhance their grasp of the subject matter.

Justice Solutions Group's expert witness services regarding blockchain technology equip legal teams with the expertise needed to navigate the intricacies of blockchain-related cases. By shedding light on the technical nuances and providing informed, credible testimony, we play a pivotal role in elucidating the facts and supporting the pursuit of justice in the digital age.


Blockchain Security Services

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain, we recognize the paramount importance of security. Our blockchain security services are designed to address this need head-on:

  • Smart Contract Audits: We meticulously examine the code of your smart contracts to uncover any vulnerabilities that could be exploited, ensuring they perform as intended without exposing you to unnecessary risk.

  • Blockchain Platform Security Assessments: Our team evaluates the security measures of your blockchain platform, from the consensus mechanisms to node communication protocols, identifying areas for enhancement.

  • Security Best Practices Implementation: Drawing from the latest in blockchain security developments, we guide you in implementing best practices that fortify your blockchain against attacks.

Example: When a blockchain startup approached us with concerns about their platform's security, we conducted a thorough security assessment, identifying and addressing critical vulnerabilities in their smart contract code and platform architecture. Our intervention not only secured their platform but also instilled confidence in their users and investors.

Blockchain Project Audits and Penetration Testing

Blockchain Project Audits and Penetration Testing

At Justice Solutions Group, we understand the critical importance of security and integrity within blockchain projects. Our specialized services in blockchain project audits and penetration testing are designed to assess, identify, and fortify the vulnerabilities of blockchain applications and infrastructures, ensuring they are resilient against attacks and function as intended.

Our Comprehensive Approach Includes:

  • Smart Contract Audits: We meticulously examine the code underlying smart contracts for security flaws, logic errors, and compliance with best practices, helping to prevent potential exploits and ensuring the contracts execute as designed.

  • Blockchain Platform Security Assessments: Our team conducts thorough security assessments of blockchain platforms, evaluating the architecture, consensus mechanisms, and node communication for vulnerabilities that could compromise the network.

  • Penetration Testing: Simulating real-world attack scenarios, we test the blockchain's defenses to identify weaknesses. This proactive approach allows us to understand how an attacker might exploit the system and recommend necessary countermeasures.

  • Risk Management and Remediation Strategies: Following our assessments, we provide detailed reports outlining identified risks and vulnerabilities, along with strategic advice on remediation actions and security enhancements to mitigate these issues effectively.

  • Ongoing Security Monitoring Recommendations: Recognizing that security is an ongoing concern, we advise on the implementation of continuous monitoring solutions to detect and respond to threats as they emerge.

Justice Solutions Group's blockchain project audits and penetration testing services are integral to developing and maintaining secure, trustworthy blockchain systems. By identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited and ensuring that blockchain projects adhere to the highest security standards, we empower our clients to confidently leverage blockchain technology's benefits while minimizing the risks.

When you call JSG for a consultation, you will quickly realize that you are talking to experts to understand asset investigations, and are not interested in making a “quick buck” selling you things you do not need. These guys are thorough, and legit.
 - Confidential Attorney Client


Our Crypto Investigation, Recovery and Blockchain Methodology

A Comprehensive Strategy for Secure Digital Asset Management

In our approach to Crypto Recovery, Investigations, and Blockchain Consulting, we prioritize a meticulous and tailored strategy designed to navigate the complexities of digital asset management with unparalleled security and precision. Our methodology ensures every aspect of your digital asset landscape is fortified, from recovering lost assets to conducting thorough blockchain analysis and offering expert security consulting.

Key Elements of Our Methodology:

  • Initial Assessment and Strategy Formation: Our process begins by gaining a deep understanding of your unique situation, crafting a strategic approach specifically designed to address your needs, whether that involves asset recovery, investigation, or enhancing blockchain infrastructure.

  • Advanced Digital Forensics and Blockchain Analysis: We employ the latest in forensic tools and blockchain analytics to investigate data thoroughly, tracing transactions, pinpointing vulnerabilities, and uncovering essential information to inform our recovery and consulting efforts.

  • Customized Recovery and Security Plans: Based on our analytical findings, we develop bespoke plans focused on asset recovery, addressing identified vulnerabilities, and bolstering the integrity and resilience of your blockchain systems.

  • Implementation and Execution: With a clear plan in place, we move forward with implementing recovery actions, conducting in-depth investigations, or applying security enhancements, keeping you fully informed throughout the process.

  • Post-Action Review and Ongoing Support: After our initial efforts, we conduct a detailed review to evaluate outcomes and suggest next steps. Our support extends beyond the immediate tasks at hand, providing ongoing guidance to navigate future digital asset challenges effectively.

Why Our Methodology Makes a Difference:

  • Holistic Approach: We consider every angle of your digital asset environment to ensure a comprehensive security strategy.

  • Adaptability: Our methods are dynamic, adjusting to the ever-changing landscape of digital threats and blockchain technology to remain effective and relevant.

  • Client-Centric Focus: At the core of our methodology is a commitment to aligning with your specific goals, ensuring that our solutions not only address your concerns but also support your overall objectives.

Our methodology in Crypto Recovery, Investigations, and Blockchain Consulting exemplifies our dedication to delivering secure, strategic solutions tailored to the intricate needs of digital asset management. By leveraging our extensive expertise, we empower you to confidently manage, protect, and optimize your digital assets.


Case Examples of Crypto Fraud Cases We Have Worked

Recovering Stolen Cryptocurrency

Situation: A client approached us after falling victim to a sophisticated phishing scam, resulting in the loss of a significant amount of Bitcoin. The client was tricked into providing their private keys to what appeared to be a legitimate wallet service.

Action: We immediately launched an investigation, employing blockchain analysis techniques to trace the stolen Bitcoin. Our team identified the digital wallets the assets were transferred to and collaborated with various cryptocurrency exchanges to flag and freeze the assets.

Outcome: Through persistent efforts and leveraging our network within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, we successfully recovered a majority of the stolen Bitcoin. The client was advised on securing their digital assets to prevent future incidents.

Unraveling an Investment Scam

Situation: An investor contacted us after investing a substantial sum in a cryptocurrency startup that promised high returns. Suspicions were raised when the startup ceased communications and the promised returns failed to materialize.

Action: Our investigation revealed that the startup was a front for a Ponzi scheme. By analyzing transaction patterns and the flow of funds, we were able to identify the individuals behind the scam and gather evidence of fraudulent activity.

Outcome: The evidence collected supported legal action against the perpetrators, leading to their prosecution. Additionally, we worked on asset recovery efforts to reclaim the investor's funds from various digital wallets and exchanges where the scam proceeds had been dispersed.

Addressing Ransomware Demands

Situation: A small business experienced a ransomware attack, with critical data encrypted and a ransom demanded in cryptocurrency for the decryption key. The business was at risk of losing valuable intellectual property and operational data.

Action: Instead of paying the ransom, the business engaged us to investigate. We conducted a thorough analysis of the ransomware and were able to identify vulnerabilities in the malware's code.

Outcome: Exploiting these vulnerabilities, we were able to recover the encrypted data without succumbing to the ransom demands. The business was provided with recommendations to strengthen their cybersecurity posture against future attacks.


These case examples demonstrate our expertise and commitment to resolving complex cryptocurrency-related thefts and frauds, ensuring our clients can navigate the digital asset landscape with confidence and security.


Our capabilities

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Crypto Developers like SpookyGood

Hiring experienced crypto developers like those at SpookyGood offers a multitude of benefits, ensuring that projects not only meet but exceed the rigorous demands of the blockchain and cryptocurrency landscapes. Here are some key advantages:

  • Expertise in Blockchain Technology: SpookyGood’s developers bring a profound understanding of blockchain technology, enabling the creation of secure, efficient, and scalable solutions. Their knowledge ensures that your project is built on a solid foundation, leveraging the latest advancements in the field.

  • Security-Centric Development: With a deep focus on security, SpookyGood’s team employs best practices and cutting-edge security protocols to safeguard your project from vulnerabilities and cyber threats, crucial in the high-stakes environment of cryptocurrency.

  • Innovative Solutions: SpookyGood’s developers are at the forefront of innovation, capable of delivering custom solutions that address unique challenges. Their ability to think outside the box means your project can leverage novel approaches for enhanced functionality and user experience.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape of crypto can be daunting. SpookyGood’s expertise extends to understanding and implementing compliance measures, ensuring that your project adheres to legal standards and avoids potential pitfalls.

  • Efficient Project Execution: Experience brings efficiency. SpookyGood’s team knows how to streamline development processes, manage project timelines effectively, and deliver high-quality results within set deadlines, ensuring that your project progresses smoothly from conception to launch.

  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Beyond initial development, SpookyGood provides continued support and maintenance, ensuring that your project remains up-to-date with the latest technological trends and security updates, safeguarding its longevity and relevance.

  • Educational Insight: Working with SpookyGood offers more than just development services; it’s a learning opportunity. Their team is committed to educating clients about blockchain technology and crypto market dynamics, empowering you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your project’s future.

Partnering with experienced crypto developers like SpookyGood not only elevates the technical stature of your project but also aligns it with the latest industry standards and innovations, positioning you for success in the competitive digital asset market.


More about SpookyGood

JSG is thrilled to collaborate with SpookyGood, a distinguished leader in both the cybersecurity and blockchain sectors. SpookyGood excels in safeguarding digital assets and mastering the digital realm's intricacies with unmatched skill and a dedication to client priorities.

Elevating Security Through Expert Collaboration: With a fundamental aim to enhance digital safety, SpookyGood brings to the table a broad spectrum of services that beautifully complement ours. Their expert team, affectionately referred to as "The Spooky Squad," is composed of ethical hackers, forensic experts, and blockchain aficionados, equipped with a broad and inventive skill set ready to address the most complex challenges in cybersecurity and blockchain.

Tailored Solutions Across the Board: Offering everything from investigations of cyber fraud to the auditing of blockchain and the recovery of digital assets, SpookyGood delivers holistic solutions. Our collaboration expands our service offerings, providing our clients comprehensive defense against digital dangers and securing the integrity of their online assets.

Foundational Ethical Principles: The foundation of our partnership with SpookyGood is built on shared values of ethics and integrity. Their dedication to transparency, professional integrity, and ethical practices resonates with our ethos, ensuring our clients not only achieve outstanding outcomes but also experience the pinnacle of service quality.

Fostering Knowledge and Security in the Digital Sphere: In unity with SpookyGood, we're committed to enlightening and securing the digital community. Our joint efforts in hosting workshops, participating in conferences, and engaging with the community aim to equip both individuals and businesses with the knowledge to securely traverse the digital terrain.

Forward Together: As our alliance with SpookyGood progresses, we stay focused on pushing the boundaries of innovation, maintaining excellence, and striving for a more secure digital environment for our clientele. This partnership underlines our resolve to provide top-tier security solutions, supported by an elite team at the forefront of their respective fields.

Explore the benefits of partnering with Justice Solutions Group and SpookyGood. Together, we're redefining the standards in cybersecurity and blockchain services, contributing to a more secure digital ecosystem for all.



A good crypto recovery plan starts with a great conversation.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk through your case. Our experts have years of experience and are ready to assist.