Clients / Criminal Defense Investigation

Criminal Defense Investigators


Our capabilities

Criminal Defense Investigators: Why JSG

In the realm of criminal defense, the right investigative team can mean the difference between exoneration and conviction. Justice Solutions Group stands as a beacon of expertise, commitment, and innovation in this critical field. Here’s why partnering with us can help you and your clients:

  • Unmatched Expertise: Our investigators bring years of experience in criminal defense, offering deep insights into complex cases and ensuring every avenue is explored.

  • Advanced Investigative Techniques: Leveraging cutting-edge technology, from digital forensics to social media analysis, we uncover pivotal evidence that can change the course of a trial.

  • Comprehensive Approach: Our services extend beyond traditional investigations, incorporating everything from witness interviews to the analysis of electronic data, ensuring a thorough defense strategy.


Key Services for Criminal Defense

Digital Forensics and Social Media Analysis

In today’s connected world, digital trails often hold the keys to the truth. Our expertise in digital forensics allows us to extract crucial data from electronic devices and online platforms, revealing timelines, locations, and communications that can provide an alibi or disprove allegations.

Advanced Surveillance Techniques

Our surveillance experts utilize the latest technology to gather evidence discreetly and effectively, ensuring that our clients have the real-time information they need without compromising legal ethics.


In-Depth Background Checks

Understanding the background of all parties involved in a case can unveil motives, biases, or inconsistencies critical to the defense. Our thorough checks go beyond surface-level searches, offering a complete picture that can strengthen a defense strategy.

Witness Location and Interviews

Locating key witnesses and conducting detailed interviews are foundational to building a strong defense. Our team’s expertise ensures that no potential witness is overlooked and that their testimonies are accurately and comprehensively recorded.

When you call JSG for a consultation, you will quickly realize that you are talking to experts to understand asset investigations, and are not interested in making a “quick buck” selling you things you do not need. These guys are thorough, and legit.
 - Confidential Attorney Client

Our capabilities

Experienced Investigators Your Clients Can Rely On

Why Choose JSG as your Criminal Defense Investigations Team

Retaining Justice Solutions Group means securing a partner whose primary goal is to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served. Here's why we stand out:

  • Unwavering Commitment to Truth: At JSG, our foremost priority is to uncover the truth, regardless of the complexities or challenges involved in a case. We approach every investigation with integrity, diligence, and an unwavering commitment to justice.

  • Expertise in Criminal Defense: With years of experience in criminal defense investigations, our team possesses the expertise necessary to navigate even the most complex legal challenges. We understand the nuances of the criminal justice system and leverage our knowledge to craft effective defense strategies.

  • Comprehensive Investigative Techniques: Our investigative toolbox is extensive, encompassing a range of techniques from digital forensics to surveillance and witness interviews. We leave no stone unturned in our quest for evidence, ensuring that our clients have the strongest possible defense.

  • Strategic Guidance and Support: Beyond gathering evidence, we provide strategic guidance and support to our clients throughout the legal process. From advising on legal strategies to offering expert testimony, we ensure that our clients are equipped to navigate their defense confidently.

  • Client-Centric Approach: At the heart of everything we do is a deep commitment to our clients' well-being and rights. We prioritize open communication, transparency, and collaboration, ensuring that our clients are active participants in their defense.

  • Track Record of Success: Our track record speaks for itself. We have successfully defended numerous clients against a wide range of criminal charges, securing favorable outcomes and ensuring that justice prevails.

Choosing Justice Solutions Group means partnering with a team dedicated to protecting your rights, uncovering the truth, and securing the best possible outcome for your case. With us by your side, you can trust that your defense is in capable hands.


Criminal Case Examples Where JSG Made The Difference

The Unseen Alibi

The Setup: In a small town rife with tensions, a robbery occurred at a local convenience store, leaving the community on edge. The only lead in the case was surveillance footage capturing a figure resembling our client near the scene of the crime. Despite our client's protestations of innocence, the weight of circumstantial evidence threatened to condemn them.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group was enlisted to uncover the truth and establish our client's alibi. Tasked with unraveling the intricate web of events surrounding the robbery, we embarked on a comprehensive investigation. Our focus turned to piecing together a timeline of our client's movements, combing through digital records, and interviewing potential witnesses.

The Outcome: Through exhaustive analysis of cell phone tower data, ATM transactions, and background interviews with acquaintances, we meticulously reconstructed our client's whereabouts on the night of the robbery. This exhaustive alibi, validated by multiple sources, starkly contrasted the prosecution's narrative. Armed with irrefutable evidence of our client's innocence, the charges were dropped, and the true perpetrator was apprehended. Without our meticulous investigation, an innocent individual could have suffered the consequences of a wrongful conviction.

The Case of the Manipulated Messages

The Setup: In a twist of digital fate, our client found themselves ensnared in a web of cyber harassment allegations. Anonymous messages containing threats and derogatory remarks began flooding the inbox of a prominent community figure, with our client's digital accounts flagged as the source. Despite vehement denials, our client faced mounting suspicion, their reputation hanging in the balance.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group undertook the daunting task of untangling the digital labyrinth to clear our client's name. Faced with manipulated messages and a cloud of doubt, our cyber investigations team embarked on a journey into the depths of digital forensics. Scrutinizing metadata, IP addresses, and message logs became paramount in our quest for truth.

The Outcome: Our exhaustive investigation uncovered a trail of digital breadcrumbs leading to the true culprit—a disgruntled former acquaintance seeking vengeance. By meticulously tracing the origin of the manipulated messages and unearthing evidence of identity theft, we exonerated our client and redirected the focus of the investigation. With the perpetrator apprehended, justice prevailed, and our client's reputation was restored. Without our specialized expertise, the malicious cyber campaign could have irreparably damaged our client's life and livelihood.

The Disputed Traffic Stop

The Setup: A routine traffic stop on a quiet suburban street escalated into a legal quagmire for our client. Pulled over for a minor traffic violation, our client found themselves subjected to an invasive vehicle search, allegedly resulting in the discovery of illegal substances. As the dust settled, our client faced serious charges, their future hanging in the balance.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group embarked on a meticulous examination of the events leading up to the disputed traffic stop. Armed with body cam footage, dashcam recordings, and a keen eye for detail, our team set out to uncover any procedural errors or rights violations that could have compromised our client's defense.

The Outcome: Through a thorough review of the evidence, we unearthed critical discrepancies and procedural lapses that cast doubt on the legality of the traffic stop and subsequent search. Demonstrating misinterpretations of body cam footage and violations of search protocols, we exposed the prosecution's weak foundation. Armed with this evidence, we negotiated a favorable resolution for our client, mitigating the potential consequences they faced. Without our relentless pursuit of truth, our client could have suffered unjustly at the hands of a flawed legal system.

These detailed setups provide a richer context for each case, immersing the reader in the complexities and challenges faced by our clients and underscoring the importance of Justice Solutions Group's investigative prowess in securing justice.


The Coerced Confession

The Setup: A routine police interrogation took a dark turn when our client, a young adult with a history of mental health challenges, found themselves coerced into confessing to a crime they did not commit. Facing relentless pressure from interrogators and lacking proper legal representation, our client succumbed to false promises and manipulation, leading to a damning confession.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group was brought in to scrutinize the interrogation process and uncover any signs of coercion or misconduct. With a focus on safeguarding our client's rights and ensuring a fair trial, our team meticulously reviewed interrogation transcripts, analyzed video footage, and consulted with expert witnesses in psychology and law enforcement practices.

The Outcome: Through our exhaustive investigation, we uncovered a pattern of coercive tactics employed by law enforcement during the interrogation. Demonstrating instances of psychological manipulation, leading questions, and promises of leniency, we successfully argued for the suppression of the coerced confession. With this critical piece of evidence deemed inadmissible, the prosecution's case crumbled, leading to the dismissal of charges against our client. Without our intervention, an innocent individual could have been wrongfully convicted based on a coerced confession extracted through improper means.


The Frame-Up in Cyberspace

The Setup: A respected member of the community found themselves embroiled in a cyber scandal when compromising images purportedly linked to their digital accounts surfaced online. Despite vehement denials and claims of digital manipulation, our client faced widespread condemnation and social ostracism, their reputation tarnished beyond repair.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group embarked on a multifaceted investigation to unravel the intricate web of digital deception. Tasked with tracing the origin of the manipulated images and unearthing evidence of digital tampering, our cyber investigations team employed advanced forensic techniques and consulted with leading experts in cyber forensics and image analysis.

The Outcome: Our exhaustive analysis revealed a sophisticated cyber smear campaign orchestrated by a disgruntled former associate seeking revenge. Through meticulous examination of digital metadata, image compression algorithms, and network logs, we exposed the true source of the manipulated images and dismantled the false narrative surrounding our client. With the perpetrator identified and held accountable, our client's reputation was restored, and justice was served. Without our specialized expertise, our client could have been unjustly condemned by a digital frame-up designed to destroy their life and livelihood.

The Phantom Witness

The Setup: A high-profile criminal trial was thrown into disarray when a key eyewitness, crucial to the prosecution's case, suddenly vanished without a trace. With the trial on the brink of collapse and the defense scrambling for answers, suspicions arose regarding the witness's sudden disappearance and the possibility of foul play.

The Task: Justice Solutions Group was enlisted to locate the missing witness and uncover the truth behind their disappearance. Tasked with conducting a discreet investigation while navigating a maze of legal and ethical considerations, our team embarked on a race against time to track down the elusive witness and obtain their testimony.

The Outcome: Through a combination of intensive fieldwork, digital surveillance, and witness interviews, we traced the missing witness to a remote location where they had been sequestered by an unknown party. Upon locating the witness and securing their cooperation, we uncovered evidence of witness tampering orchestrated by individuals with vested interests in the trial's outcome. Armed with this critical information, the defense exposed the prosecution's reliance on compromised testimony, leading to the dismissal of charges against our client. Without our relentless pursuit of the truth, a phantom witness could have sealed our client's fate with fabricated testimony.


These examples showcase the complexity and rigor of Justice Solutions Group's approach to criminal defense investigations, underscoring our dedication to uncovering the truth and defending our clients' rights through meticulous investigation and evidence gathering.



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Our capabilities

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Criminal Defense Investigators

When it comes to your defense, experience matters. Here are the benefits of choosing experienced criminal defense investigators like Justice Solutions Group:

  • Deep Understanding of Legal Procedures: Experienced investigators are well-versed in the intricacies of criminal law and legal procedures, ensuring that your defense is conducted with precision and adherence to legal standards.

  • Expertise in Evidence Gathering: Seasoned investigators have honed their skills in evidence gathering, knowing where to look and how to uncover crucial information that can strengthen your defense.

  • Access to Advanced Techniques and Technology: Experienced investigators have access to advanced investigative techniques and technology, allowing them to employ cutting-edge methods such as digital forensics, surveillance, and data analysis to uncover evidence.

  • Strategic Insight and Analysis: Experienced investigators bring strategic insight and analysis to your defense, helping to identify key strengths and weaknesses in the prosecution's case and craft a defense strategy that maximizes your chances of success.

  • Navigating Complex Legal Challenges: Criminal cases often involve complex legal challenges and nuances. Experienced investigators have the knowledge and expertise to navigate these challenges effectively, ensuring that your defense is robust and well-prepared for any legal hurdles that may arise.

  • Confidence and Peace of Mind: By hiring experienced criminal defense investigators, you can have confidence and peace of mind knowing that your defense is being handled by professionals who are dedicated to protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome for your case.

Choosing experienced criminal defense investigators like Justice Solutions Group means putting your defense in the hands of professionals who have the knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively navigate the complexities of your case and advocate on your behalf with integrity and expertise.


Criminal defense investigation work is not for the faint-of-heart.

Criminal defense investigation work demands unwavering dedication and expertise. At Justice Solutions Group (JSG), we thrive in the face of adversity, armed with unparalleled experience and a commitment to justice. Our team's advanced investigative techniques, strategic approach, and client-centric focus set us apart as the premier choice for individuals facing criminal charges.

When you partner with JSG, you're choosing a team that refuses to back down. We understand the gravity of the challenges you face and are relentless in our pursuit of the truth. With JSG by your side, you can trust that your defense is in the hands of professionals who will fight tirelessly to protect your rights, secure crucial evidence, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Don't face your legal battle alone—contact JSG today and take the first step toward a brighter future.



A strong defense case starts with a great conversation.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk through your case. Our investigators have years of experience and are ready to assist.