Clients / Corporate

Corporate Investigations & Intelligence


Our capabilities

Helping Companies With Investigations, Intelligence, & Risk Management

JSG stands as the premier corporate investigative team, offering a suite of specialized services tailored to meet the unique needs of the corporate sector. With an unwavering commitment to confidentiality and discretion, our offerings encompass everything from internal fraud investigations and intellectual property disputes to comprehensive due diligence and cybersecurity assessments.

Fraud Investigations: Our team specializes in uncovering fraudulent activities within organizations, whether they involve financial fraud, embezzlement, or other deceptive practices. We employ sophisticated techniques such as forensic accounting and surveillance to identify and mitigate risks associated with fraud.

Due Diligence: We conduct comprehensive due diligence investigations to assess the viability and potential risks of business transactions, partnerships, or investments. Our thorough analysis includes examining financial records, legal documents, and other pertinent information to ensure informed decision-making.

Background Checks: Our background check services provide valuable insights into individuals' histories, including criminal records, employment verifications, and financial backgrounds. We help businesses make informed hiring decisions and mitigate risks associated with potential employees or partners.

Litigation Support: We offer litigation support services to legal teams and corporations involved in legal disputes. From gathering evidence and conducting witness interviews to providing expert testimony, we assist clients throughout the litigation process, helping them build strong cases and achieve favorable outcomes.

Competitive Intelligence Analysis: Our competitive intelligence analysis helps businesses gain strategic insights into their competitors' activities, strengths, and weaknesses. We analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and consumer behavior to inform decision-making and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Cybersecurity: We provide comprehensive cybersecurity services to protect organizations from digital threats and data breaches. Our offerings include vulnerability assessments, phishing simulations, incident response planning, and ongoing monitoring to safeguard sensitive information and maintain regulatory compliance.

Physical Security: Our physical security solutions help organizations mitigate risks associated with physical threats to their facilities, assets, and personnel. From penetration testing and threat assessments to security protocol development and executive protection, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client.

Cargo Theft Investigations: Our expertise extends to investigating incidents of cargo theft, where we employ advanced techniques to track and recover stolen goods. With a focus on swift action and thorough investigation, as well as recommending and implementing ways to strengthen supply chains, we assist businesses in mitigating the risks associated with cargo theft and minimizing financial losses.

Regulatory Compliance: We assist businesses in navigating complex regulatory landscapes and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Our services include regulatory framework analysis, compliance audits, and recommendations for mitigating compliance risks and maintaining operational integrity.


Key Services for Corporate Clients

Fraud Investigations

At JSG, we understand the detrimental impact that fraud can have on businesses, both financially and reputationally. Our fraud investigations are meticulously conducted to uncover instances of deception, embezzlement, or other fraudulent activities within organizations. Leveraging a combination of forensic accounting, digital forensic analysis, and comprehensive interviews, our team delves deep into financial records, digital data trails, and employee behavior to identify irregularities and potential fraud indicators.

We prioritize discretion and confidentiality throughout the investigation process, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations while delivering actionable insights to our clients. Whether it's detecting internal fraud schemes, uncovering vendor kickback arrangements, or identifying fraudulent insurance claims, our fraud investigations provide businesses with the clarity and evidence needed to take decisive action and protect their interests.

Key Features:

  • Forensic Accounting Expertise: Our team of forensic accountants meticulously examines financial records to detect discrepancies and fraudulent activities.

  • Digital Forensic Analysis: We employ cutting-edge technology and techniques to analyze digital data trails, uncovering evidence of fraudulent transactions or activities.

  • Comprehensive Interviews: Conducting thorough interviews with relevant parties to gather insights and evidence crucial to the investigation.

  • Discreet Investigation: Our investigations are conducted with the utmost discretion to minimize disruption to business operations and preserve confidentiality.

Executive and Key-Hire Background Screening

In today's corporate landscape, ensuring the integrity and suitability of key hires and executives is paramount to safeguarding organizational success. At JSG, we offer comprehensive background screening services tailored to the unique needs of businesses seeking to fill critical positions. Our rigorous screening process includes thorough checks of candidates' criminal records, employment history, education credentials, and professional licenses.

We can delve into financial history, credit reports (with written authorization), and criminal and civil litigation records to provide a holistic view of each candidate's background and character. Our goal is to provide our clients with the confidence and assurance that their executive and key-hire candidates possess the integrity, qualifications, and experience necessary to contribute positively to the organization. With our meticulous screening process, businesses can mitigate risks associated with hiring decisions and maintain a trustworthy and capable leadership team.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Screening: Our background checks encompass criminal records, employment history, education credentials, professional licenses, financial history, and civil litigation records.

  • Tailored Solutions: We customize our screening process to align with the specific requirements and risk tolerance of each client, ensuring that key aspects of a candidate's background are thoroughly vetted.

  • Detailed Reporting: Our reports provide detailed insights into each candidate's background, highlighting any red flags or areas of concern that may impact their suitability for the role.

  • Compliance Assurance: We adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing background screening, ensuring that our processes are conducted ethically, legally, and with respect for individual privacy rights.


Litigation Support

Navigating the complexities of legal proceedings requires comprehensive support and strategic guidance. At JSG, we provide litigation support services to assist legal teams in building robust cases and achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. Our experienced investigators conduct thorough research, gather critical evidence, and provide expert analysis to strengthen legal strategies.

Whether it's asset searches, witness location and interviews, evidence collection, or background investigations, our team works tirelessly to uncover valuable insights that support our clients' litigation objectives. With JSG's litigation support services, legal professionals can trust that they have a dedicated partner committed to delivering the information and support needed to secure success in the courtroom.

Key Features:

  • Evidence Gathering: We employ advanced investigative techniques to gather relevant evidence, including surveillance, forensic analysis, and document retrieval.

  • Witness Location and Interviews: Our investigators locate and interview key witnesses to obtain firsthand accounts and testimony crucial to legal proceedings.

  • Expert Analysis: Our team provides expert analysis of gathered evidence, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to bolster legal strategies.

  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our litigation support services to meet the specific needs and objectives of each legal case, ensuring optimal support for our clients' litigation efforts.

Cybersecurity & Penetration Testing

In today's digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive information and protecting against cyber threats is paramount for businesses of all sizes. At JSG, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity services, including penetration testing, to help organizations identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure. Our team of cybersecurity experts conducts thorough assessments of networks, systems, and applications to uncover potential weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Through penetration testing, we simulate real-world cyberattacks to assess the effectiveness of existing security measures and identify areas for improvement. With JSG's cybersecurity and penetration testing services, businesses can proactively strengthen their defenses and safeguard their critical assets against evolving cyber threats.

Key Features:

  • Vulnerability Assessment: We conduct in-depth evaluations of IT systems and infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities and security gaps.

  • Penetration Testing: Our team simulates cyberattacks to assess the effectiveness of existing security controls and identify potential entry points for attackers.

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies: Based on our findings, we provide actionable recommendations and strategies to mitigate identified risks and enhance overall cybersecurity posture.

  • Compliance Assurance: Our cybersecurity services help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements and industry standards, ensuring adherence to best practices and regulations governing data security.


Physical Security

At JSG, we specialize in providing expert consulting services to businesses seeking to enhance their physical security measures. Our team of seasoned professionals assesses your current security protocols, processes, and infrastructure to identify areas of improvement and develop tailored recommendations. Whether it's enhancing access control systems, implementing robust monitoring solutions, or fortifying physical barriers, we provide strategic guidance to mitigate security risks effectively.

Our approach focuses on delivering practical and cost-effective solutions that align with your business objectives and regulatory requirements. With JSG's physical security consulting services, you can proactively strengthen your security posture and safeguard your assets against potential threats.

Geopolitical Risk Analysis

At JSG, we specialize in providing bespoke geopolitical risk analysis services tailored to the needs of corporate clients. Our comprehensive analyses offer a deep understanding of the intricate interplay between political, economic, and social factors that could significantly impact business operations and investments.

We delve into various aspects, including regional stability, regulatory changes, political transitions, and cross-border trade issues, to provide actionable insights for informed decision-making. Leveraging our extensive global network of analysts and cutting-edge analytical tools, we identify and assess geopolitical risks relevant to your industry and geographic footprint.

Our strategic insights enable corporate clients to anticipate potential shifts in market conditions, proactively mitigate risks, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. With JSG's geopolitical risk analysis services, businesses can navigate the complexities of the global landscape with confidence and resilience.


Cargo Theft

Cargo theft poses a significant threat to supply chain integrity, resulting in substantial financial losses and operational disruptions for businesses. At JSG, we offer specialized cargo theft prevention and investigation services to help companies safeguard their valuable assets and maintain uninterrupted operations.

Our approach begins with a comprehensive assessment of your supply chain vulnerabilities, including key transit routes, storage facilities, and distribution centers. We analyze historical theft data, identify high-risk areas, and implement proactive security measures to deter theft and minimize exposure to risk.

Additionally, our team utilizes advanced tracking technology and surveillance techniques to monitor cargo movements in real-time, enabling swift detection and response to potential threats. By partnering with JSG for cargo theft prevention, businesses can protect their supply chains, mitigate financial losses, and ensure the timely delivery of goods to their customers.

Executive Security & Threat Assessments

At JSG, we recognize the critical importance of protecting corporate leadership from potential threats in today's dynamic risk environment. Our executive security and threat assessments are meticulously crafted to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of key personnel.

We conduct comprehensive assessments that encompass various aspects, including physical security measures, personal safety risks, and potential targeted attacks. Leveraging our expertise in threat intelligence and risk analysis, we identify vulnerabilities and develop tailored security strategies to safeguard executives in both everyday scenarios and high-threat environments.

With JSG's executive security and threat assessments, corporate clients can rest assured that their leadership is protected with proactive security measures designed to mitigate risks and preserve organizational continuity.

As a corporate leader overseeing numerous deals, I’ve relied on JSG as a trusted background and due diligence partner. Their thorough analyses have been instrumental in assessing risks and opportunities, ensuring the success of our ventures.”
 - Confidential Client

Our capabilities

Experienced Professionals That You Can Rely On

Why Choose JSG as your Corporate Investigations & Intelligence Team

Selecting Justice Solutions Group as your trusted Corporate Investigations & Intelligence Team means aligning with a premier provider of investigative and due diligence solutions tailored specifically for corporate clients. Here’s why JSG stands out:

Depth of Expertise: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with diverse backgrounds in finance, law, and investigative research, offering unparalleled expertise and insight into the corporate landscape.

Global Network, Local Expertise: With a vast network spanning continents, JSG combines global reach with localized knowledge, providing valuable insights into markets worldwide.

Leading-Edge Technology: We leverage cutting-edge data analytics and investigative tools to deliver timely, accurate, and comprehensive analyses, enabling informed decision-making for our corporate clients.

Tailored Solutions: Recognizing the unique needs of each corporate client, we customize our services to align with specific objectives and challenges, ensuring a personalized approach and strategic support.

Commitment to Confidentiality: Upholding the highest standards of discretion and confidentiality, we safeguard our clients' information and interests throughout the investigative process.

Proactive Risk Management: Through strategic risk assessments and ongoing monitoring services, we help identify potential threats early, allowing for proactive decision-making and risk mitigation strategies.

Choose JSG for a trusted partnership that enhances your corporate investigations and intelligence efforts with integrity, intelligence, and insight.


Case Examples of Our Due Diligence and Intelligence

Executive Background Screening: Identifying Red Flags in Key Leadership Roles

The Situation: A company client was in the process of hiring two new senior executives for key leadership roles and needed to ensure the integrity and suitability of the candidates.

The Task: JSG conducted comprehensive background screenings on the potential executives, delving into their professional history, financial integrity, legal records, and reputation in the industry.

The Outcome: Our investigation uncovered discrepancies in one of the candidates employment history, financial irregularities, and undisclosed legal issues. Armed with this critical information, the client was able to make informed hiring decisions, avoiding potential risks to the company's reputation and financial well-being.


Workplace Misconduct Investigation: Addressing Allegations with Discretion and Precision

The Situation: A manufacturing company received allegations of misconduct at its main plant and needed to address the situation promptly and impartially.

The Task: JSG was tasked with conducting a thorough investigation into the allegations, interviewing relevant parties, gathering evidence, and ensuring confidentiality throughout the process.

The Outcome: Our investigation uncovered evidence of workplace harassment, discriminatory behavior, and violations of company policies by a key manager and one of his subordinates. With our comprehensive report, the client was able to take appropriate disciplinary actions, implement corrective measures, and work to re-foster a culture of respect and compliance within the plant.

Cargo Theft Investigation: Safeguarding Supply Chain Integrity

The Situation: A industrial manufacturing company client came to us having experienced a series of cargo theft incidents, threatening the integrity of its supply chain and causing significant financial losses.

The Task: JSG conducted an investigation into the cargo theft incidents, analyzing security protocols, reviewing surveillance footage, and identifying potential vulnerabilities in the supply chain.

The Outcome: Our investigation identified patterns of theft, insider involvement, and weaknesses in the company's cargo security measures. With our recommendations for enhanced security protocols and employee training, the client was able to mitigate the risk of future thefts and safeguard its supply chain integrity.


Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: Safeguarding Corporate Assets from Digital Threats

The Situation: A fast-growing services company recognized the growing threat of cyberattacks and sought to assess the vulnerability of its digital infrastructure.

The Task: JSG performed a detailed cybersecurity risk assessment, evaluating the company's network security, data protection measures, and employee awareness of cybersecurity best practices.

The Outcome: Our assessment revealed vulnerabilities in the company's network architecture, inadequate data encryption protocols, and gaps in employee training on cybersecurity awareness. With our recommendations for remediation, the client was able to bolster its cybersecurity defenses, protecting sensitive corporate assets from potential digital threats.

JSG's rigorous investigative approach and advanced analytical capabilities equip corporate clients with the insights they need to make strategic decisions, minimize risks, and capitalize on opportunities. By providing comprehensive assessments and actionable intelligence, we safeguard their investments and financial interests, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the corporate landscape with confidence and precision.



Due Diligence, Background Checks and more, all in one place.

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Our capabilities

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Corporate Risk Management Experts Like JSG

Partnering with JSG as your trusted corporate risk management experts ensures proactive risk mitigation, enhanced decision-making, and protection of your organization's interests in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Comprehensive Fraud Investigations: Our seasoned investigators specialize in identifying and addressing fraudulent activities within corporate environments, protecting your organization from financial losses and reputational damage.

Strategic Due Diligence Services: With our extensive due diligence capabilities, we provide thorough assessments of potential investments, partnerships, and acquisitions, enabling informed decision-making and risk mitigation.

Robust Background Screening: Our meticulous background screening processes ensure that key executives and employees meet the highest standards of integrity, reducing the risk of hiring individuals with undisclosed red flags.

Proactive Cybersecurity Measures: By conducting comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessments and implementing proactive security measures, we help safeguard your corporate assets and sensitive information from digital threats and cyberattacks.

Strategic Intelligence Analysis: Our competitive intelligence analysis provides valuable insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging risks, empowering your organization to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

Effective Workplace Misconduct Investigations: With discretion and precision, we conduct thorough investigations into allegations of workplace misconduct, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and fostering a safe and respectful work environment.

Expert Physical Security Consulting: Our experienced consultants offer tailored physical security solutions, including risk assessments, security protocol development, and executive protection services, to mitigate physical threats and safeguard your facilities and personnel.

Regulatory Compliance Support: We provide comprehensive regulatory compliance support, helping your organization navigate complex legal requirements and avoid costly penalties through thorough audits, recommendations, and implementation support.


Risks are in every corner of business. JSG can help you navigate them.

In today's dynamic corporate landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Every investment decision carries weight, and the need for precision and reliability has never been greater. That's where we come in. As your trusted partner in corporate risk management and intelligence, we offer the expertise and dedication necessary to navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence.

Our team of seasoned professionals is committed to delivering unparalleled insights and strategic guidance tailored to your organization's specific needs. From comprehensive fraud investigations to proactive cybersecurity measures, we provide a full spectrum of services designed to protect your assets and mitigate risks effectively.

With us by your side, you can approach every decision with clarity and assurance, knowing that you have the support of a trusted ally dedicated to your success. Don't leave your corporate interests to chance – partner with us and empower your organization to thrive in today's competitive landscape.



Good risk management starts with great conversations.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk through your case. Our due diligence team has years of experience and is ready to assist.